0-5 Services
for Southampton families
This information accompanies the 0-5 Autism Provision leaflet which was created
by services in Southampton working together.
For information about other organisations which can support neurodiversity and mental health needs, please see the advice section of our website.

SEND & Portage Early Years Specialist Services
The SEND & Portage Early Years Specialist service work with children 0-4 years with special education needs; who are delayed in at least two areas of development. They offer 'Stay and Play' sessions across the city and ‘The Early Bird’ program. Your GP, health visitor, Speech and Language Therapist or Pre-School can refer your child to Portage.
Tel: 023 80 834375
Email: portage.earlyyears@southampton.gov.uk

Children's Therapy Services
The speech and language therapy team support children with speech, language and communication needs and those with feeding and swallowing difficulties. If you are concerned about your child’s speech and language development, you can call there telephone advice line or go to ‘Chatter Matters’ drop ins:
They are held on Wednesday at 9.30 at Honeysuckle Family hub or Wednesday at 1pm at Cutbush Family Hub or Thursday 1pm at Pickles Coppice.
Children's Therapy Services also offer support with
Speech and Language Therapy
Occupational Therapy
There is also a new Fatigue service which accepts referrals via GP
Email: solentchildrenstherapyservice@solent.nhs.uk

Health Visitors
Your Health Visitor can provide support and advice for behaviour, sleep, toilet training and eating. You can access them at ‘Time 4 Play’ for further support;
Time 4 Play is on
Mondays 1-2.30 at Pickles -Coppice Family Hub
Tuesdays 1-2.30 at Clovelly Family Hub
Thursdays 1-2.30 at Blackberry Family Hub
Tel: 0300 123 6661

Early Years Advisory Teachers
The Early Years Advisory Teachers (EYATs) and Area SENDCos are qualified teachers with extensive knowledge and experience of early years education and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The team are able to offer support to settings to ensure their SEND provision is effective. The team have a wealth of experience and can offer ideas and strategies to set targets and differentiate the curriculum to meet the child’s needs.

Community Paediatrics Medical Service

The Community Paediatric Medical Services (CPMS) provides a range of services including assessment, investigation, diagnosis and treatment of children and young people with general medical conditions and services for adoption and fostering. It also works with children with or suspected to have developmental problems/ special educational needs and those suspected of experiencing abuse, neglect or child sexual abuse.
The Community Paediatricians can assess and diagnose autism spectrum conditions in children under 5 years old, but we will prioritise children who also have early developmental impairment (global developmental delay) in two or more areas of their development. There are no services, benefits or additional resources available for children with a diagnosis that were not available before diagnosis. Children with features of neurodiversity ,without any evidence of a learning disability to be referred to the Autism Assessment Service after their 5th birthday.
Tel: 0300 123 6661
Email: cpmswest@solent.nhs.uk
Dingleys Promise
Dingley's Promise Family Support Offer is available to all families with children aged 0-5 who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) or developmental delay. This includes stay and play, home visits, Walk and Talk and information sessions.
Dingley’s Promise Early Years centre in Southampton provides a nurturing, engaging environment that offers a range of positive learning opportunities for all SEND children. Our committed and passionate team of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) professionals and volunteers has created a space where everybody is welcomed.
Tel: 02382 516400
Email: admin.southampton@dingley.org.uk

Tiny Happy People
The BBC Tiny Happy people website has lots of ideas to help children develop language & communication.

Over 100,000 children and adults use Makaton symbols and signs, either as their main method of communication or as a way to support speech. Adults can use Makaton to help children understand and learn words and signs